Student entrepreneurship has always been essential to our country's overall
entrepreneurial success. In accordance with NEP, we recognise that entrepreneurial
knowledge is a must among avid school students.
Young Entrepreneurs @Schools
is an event providing school students with effective mentorship about the basics of
entrepreneurship and helping them to implement these learnings through the help of
innovative competitions practically.
We aim to inculcate the spirit of entrepreneurship in young and creative school
students. YES promotes entrepreneurship in India by stimulating the young minds of
school students through effective mentorship and innovative competitions.
We wish to introduce all the school students to the entrepreneurial world so that they
can understand and appreciate the spirit of entrepreneurship.
YES is a two-staged competition divided into mentorship and application phases. The
mentorship phase consists of 2 well-structured modules which cover all the key aspects
of basic entrepreneurship understanding and aim to work as a foundation for the
student's entrepreneurial journeys. The application phase consists of competitions that
aim to instil the learnt knowledge through fun tasks while competing with other
participating schools.
Go to this page and register yourself
for YES by filling out the form.
We will be sending further details on the teacher's email IDs!
For more details and any queries contact:
All students should register for esummit and obtain their respective esummit IDs.
Once that is the done the leader should go to this
and do the event registration
No, students have to register through their schools only and a minimum of 3 participants from each school are required.
The delegation has the liberty to choose how many and what problem statement a student will participate in. A student can participate in multiple events too, to secure more points
No, in case multiple delegations apply from one school, E-Cell, IIT Madras will select the participating delegation.
For each competition won by students, a school will be allotted a certain number of points. The schools with the highest number of points will be the overall winners of the Online Round